Michelle Y. Whitehurst-Cook, M.D.
Professor Emeritus
Special Advisor, School of Medicine
Department: Family Medicine & Population Health
- MD - Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1979
- BS - The College Of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 1975
- Faculty Development Scholar, University of California, San Diego
- Board Certification: Diplomat, American Board of Family Medicine, 1982
Recertification, 1989
Recertification, 1998
Recertification, 2005
Recertification, 2015
Research Fellowships
- Riverside Family Practice
Clinical Training Information
- Riverside Family Practice
Research Expertise
Teaching domestic violence issues, diabetic patient education, rural health. Faculty development, curriculum development, inner city/rural medical issues.
Keywords & Interest Areas
- Family Practice
- Curriculum Development
- Faculty Development
- Family Medicine and Health Maintenance
Selected Peer Reviewed Publications
- Diaz, A., Corredor M., Jackson, D., Whitehurst-Cook, M., Strauss, J. (2017). Lessons Learned From the VCU School of Medicine Latino Medical Student Association: A Roadmap for Increasing Diversity in Medical School Journal. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education.
- Whitehurst-Cook, M. (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009). Herpes Simplex; Gastritis, Herpes Simplex. Domino’s 5 Minute Clinical Consult.
- Whitehurst-Cook, M. (2005). Case Study. Multicultural Medicine and Health Disparities,McGraw Hill Publisher: Chapter 20, Page 363. (Editors) D. Satcher, MD, PhD, Rubens Pamies, MD,
- Whitehurst-Cook, M, et al. (2005). Childhood Obesity – monograph for the Virginia Academy of Family Physicians with the Society of Teachers for Family Medicine.
- Roth, K.S., Whitehurst-Cook, M., Chan, JCM. (2001). Urinary Tract Infections in Children. Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica, Vol. 42, No. 2.
- Rossiter, L.F., Whitehurst-Cook, M., Small, RE., Shasky, C., Bovbjerg, V., Penberthy, L., Okasha, A., Green, J., Ibrahim, IA., Yang, S., and Lee, K. (2000). The Impact of Disease Management on Outcomes and Cost of Care: A Study of Low-Income Asthma Patients. Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 188-202.
- Carney, P.A., Bar-On, ME., Grayson, MS., Klein, M., Cochran N., Eliassen, MS., Gambert, SR., Krishan, LG., Labrecque, MC., Munson, PJ., Nierenberg, DW., O’Donnell, JF., Whitehurst-Cook, M. and Willett, RM. (1999). The Impact of Early Clinical Training in Medical Education: A Multi-institutional Assessment. Academic Medicine, Vol 74, No. 1, Supplement pp. S59-S66.